Here we are in Southport and it's freezing-but at least we missed the terrible weather down south-we knew when to leave Port Mac.!
Since the last news we have had a much more relaxed time-getting used to being retirees.The job in Yamba took longer than expected because freight bypasses the town so it took an extra couple of days for the additional prep products needed to properly treat the condition of one mini keel which had a surface problem before applying the antifoul. Now Two XS has a very clean bottom and adds more speed to our trips.It was pretty weird living 20 feet up a ladder for 6 days especially when it poured for the last 24 hours,making paint-drying a nightmare.

While we were in the area waiting for suitable sailing conditions we became well acquainted with Iluka across the river and were lucky to find Tony at Crystal Solutions,an amazingly well-stocked electrical,electronics,computer store,who not only sorted out our Gps-laptop link,but improved our tv reception by personally installing a set top box etc-on boat service!He took heaps of his own time but insisted he just wanted to see us properly set up to head off again.

Decided to see a bit of the Big River so we headed up to Harwood,and were at the right place at the right time to meet up with a group of Yamba Yacht clubbers,who welcomed us by inviting us to join them at their evening BBQ.What a great group and a fun night. Next day we accompanied them as they had booked the Harwood Bridge opening for their annual upriver sail to Lawrence.

Next morning we set off back downriver calling in at Maclean where we had been marooned in the pub

The next few days were not as good and we stayed at Iluka in the bay waiting for good winds.We finally sailed out of Yamba on Sat, arriving in Ballina and mooring conveniently on the town jetty.

We had estimated 12 hours to Southport but had such a great wind we were flying at up to 12.5 knots,averaging 6.7, that we did it in 9hrs and it was still daylight as we arrived.

My god! I'm totally jealous by your laidback and easy life...You have earned it tho...can't wait to see what I'm earning...jeebers...
Language barriers are rearing their ugly heads left right and center...Who said that every Japanese person could understand and speak English?!? Got back from the rat race that is Tokyo at 10:30 tonight trudging through the rain past the rice paddies to our new home...somewhere in the middle of nowhere...Starting teaching should be in my blood but I'm not too sure...Where's my Ted when I need him?!?
What an adventure and a great start to your retirement. It must be so wonderful not to have to hurry anymore.
It has been pretty cold here too as I am sure you have heard.
We (Lawence's, Dawson's & us) went to Thai Orchard again last night the food was just as good as last time but we missed you!
We are getting closer to our retirement :)
Heaps of Love
Anne xx
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