Whitsundays for winter
Whitsundays for Winter
Having been banished from the mainland anchorages by the military wargames we headed out to the islands-Hexham,
hen on to the popular Percy group
where we enjoyed rugged rocky scenery,
more goats-(Bodi had a close confrontation with a large old billygoat), coconuts laid on, and fantastic sunsets.
A-frame hut,boaties' memorabilia(West Bay)
Then it was on to Digby Is. and Mackay,
where we stayed a few days,met some more interesting boaties and had our freezer fixed.From there, with more strong SE winds promised we sailed with great wind assistance via St.Bees and Keswick Is.,stayed at Brampton Is.,
on to Airlie Beach, and Abel Pt Marina, where we commandeered the public wharf to take Ben and Bianca aboard for a Whitsunday tour.
In spite of the still strong winds early on, we had a great week
in beautiful bays, 

anchored at Whitehaven Beach

overnight at full moon,
did some bushwalking at Nara inlet
to see aboriginal cave paintings,
and Cid Harbour , and everywhere that incredible bluegreen ocean. At Coconut beach on the back of Lindeman Is. Bill gathered some huge oysters (yum!) and Ben caught a Chinaman fish
which disappointingly was listed as poisonous.
In the early hours of the morning there were suddenly big waves and when Bill went out to secure the ducky he saw a monstrous black shape surface out in the deep water in the moonlight.
Next day we headed back to Airlie to pick up Bill's brother Ian,Elaine and two boys for more cruising.
With 8 on board for several days Two XS handled it well,
and everyone had a memorable time with lots of laughs,perfect weather,
and great holiday fun including holing the ducky,
overloading it,
and nearly filling it with water-but everyone survived!
Now we're back to 3 again,based at Airlie Beach.
Ben and Bianca
have continued on their round oz camping trip,
last heard from at Townsville.
We've had a 3 day stay at Woodwark Bay,background setting for the 90s TV series 'Tales of the South Seas',complete with island style luxury houses and outdoor bathhouses and spas and coconuts galore,lying on the beach.
Hamilton Is. |
Still no fish have been caught and we lost our crabtrap on its first outing-it can only improve! The mail has caught up with us and it's GST statements to compile and boring paperwork to do(for the Last Time!!) I guess there have to be some penalties for this idyllic lifestyle.
The weather has warmed up,and we have discovered the regular Sat.am. Airlie Bch markets,with fresh produce to stock up-including fresh prawns and sticky rice- it's a tough life but someone has to do it and Airlie Bay is full of them. By the way Tigger is blooming in her retirement at Bellangry-with her own new garden apartment and meals to her door-she never thought life could be so good again.
We're at Macona Inlet (Hook Is)
at the moment and internet coverage is good-we have bought an aerial for our Turbo modem and hopefully should have better access. Later today we're sailing via Hook Passage to the top of Whitsunday Is. then to Tongue Bay for a feed of oysters,then around to Hill Inlet where we'll go inside the passage at high tide, stay overnight, then back out and on to Whitehaven, where we'll empty out the ducky of its pile of sand underneath the inner floor and check the patches.
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